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10 tips for building an intelligent task lists: to remove and throw

The task list can be the best friend of a busy man or his worst enemy.

On the one hand, the effective use of lists of this kind in a relevant manner strengthens productivity and sense of achievement in selecting a task accomplished pushes us to continue with this behavior effectively. On the other hand, a list that is not real or poorly coordinated one, you dizzy and you produce a sense of confusion.

It must to be controlled as a list that you prepared her to work with, not against you. I grouped 10 tips and tricks that will help you keep pace work like a champ.

11 10 tips for building an intelligent task lists: to remove and throw 10 tips for building an intelligent task lists: to remove and throw 11

Make director [N.T. -trimitere Bible]

Sometimes tasks are pushed from the list in the lower part of a problem as most important / urgent. But too often, we tend to solve problems through prioritization delay and motivate our postponement. There is a big difference between the two. To make sure it stays on track as you proposed to pass through, trying to find someone to take care to follow you and make sure your goals.


You have finished writing the long list of problems to solve? I highlight three issues that you have in them end the day: Stay productive and focused and not succumb to the temptation to complete simple tasks just to be checked, instead of important tasks.

Evaluate how long it will take to complete each task

If you think from the beginning how long it will take to complete each mission, management of the day will become more effective. For example, you can take advantage of dead time between meetings to complete tasks short and to focus on the most demanding tasks when you have time to finish.

List of “not to do”

No matter how organized and methodical you are, and how intelligent is how you build a list that you have to solve, life brings endless interruptions and distractions. How to approach this: in addition to your list of “to do” dealing with what you have done, create a mental list detailing what not to do. This list will show the behaviors you should avoid in order to be able to finish your tasks real. Need examples? Here you go: Do not open e-mails before 10 o’clock, do not eat lunch at a food heavy and does not respond to phone calls or messages when trying to concentrate.

Use the agenda

One of the most effective ways to make things happen is to put them on the agenda. When you know that something must be done, schedule for as long as you need it – just like a meeting. If this is an issue that can be solved quickly, do it then. If this is a task that takes time, writes a diary and blocks that time.

The power of technology on your side

Pen and paper were used by mankind for managing task lists for years, but in the digital world in which we live there is no reason to limit yourself to only these instruments. Task management systems can help to create virtual lists with deadlines, prioritizing and interdependent and yet more. Most systems are simple, requiring no technical expertise to install them or use them – and can significantly increase productivity.

Go through your list at the beginning and until the end of the day

Free yourself a few minutes at the end of each day to review the task list and check what tasks you completed. Remove the ones resolved. How many issues are still open? What are the priorities? Organize your list again at the end of the day. The next day, check the calendar for the day ordered list of ongoing and enter into it all topics that require treatment, according to priority as you have already decided.

Focus on one task at a time.

Very often we introduce our list of tasks each task we can think of, which may lead to long and too detailed list. The key to creating an effective list of tasks to do is prioritize problems requiring treatment and then to focus on completing a single task at a time. Do not be discouraged by the length of your list. Start first mission completes a pass to the next and so on.

Curata-ti lista de zi cu zi

Listă de sarcini este destinata să cuprinda numai misiuni pe termen scurt, concepute pentru a fi finalizate în termen de cel mult o săptămână, și impun  activitati distincte. Sterge din lista de sarcini toate acele insemnari care nu corespund acestei descrieri și ocupa-te de ele ca de un proiect, folosind instrumente potrivite unui management de proiect. Odată ce o sarcină este în lista de mai mult de șapte zile, este timpul să te opresti și să o reconsideri: dacă ar trebui să renunți la ea, să o transferi altcuiva sau sa o executi imediat.

be realistic

The most important thing is to create a realistic list. Most of us tend to overload the list seriously and that hampers our work and prevent us to reach out to treat each of the topics listed to the end of the workday. There must be a reassessment of expectations that you have from you, allowing you to delete tasks and feel good with all the work done during the day.

This post is based on an article published HERE

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