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Quitting product description on your site trade? You lose big time

Most of the E- commerce sites contain between a few dozen to several thousand products. Writing rich and detailed descriptions for each product pages, can be a tedious task, and many site owners tend to give up she-and wrong in a big way.

You will pay dearly for this waiver, the less exposure on search results pages provided by search engines like Google and Bing, fewer website visitors, shorten their visit to the site by damaging the credibility of the brand – and, ultimately, by decreasing sales.

25 quitting product description on your site trade? you lose big time Quitting product description on your site trade? You lose big time 25

Producing good content to describe the products should be the strategic priority of any particular brand or retailer operating in the online world. After all, when people come to a virtual store, they can not physically be impressed by the products they are considering for purchase. Most of the senses involved usually shopping experience, contact the smell, it’s internauts are disabled and totally dependent on the content displayed on the site. A good content can bring life in products and make them shine on the shelf digital – so do it right.


Complete product descriptions

Remember, he who visits an e-commerce site has two main objectives – acquisition or future acquisition research purposes. To give answer to both these objectives, a smart retailer would ensure the complete product descriptions and be smart. No matter what you sell, and price image will not be enough to convert visitors into buyers. Maybe picture is worth a thousand words, but does not provide answers to questions such as product size (width, height, depth, volume, etc.), what materials it is made and what the return policy is shop. It is important to provide users with comprehensive information to help them fully understand what he was looking.


Tip: too short descriptions of the products reduce the chances that your product was returned as a result of searches conducted by search engines like Google and Bing, which brings us to the next section.


Mixing keywords

Once you finish writing product descriptions, try adding keywords likely to be used by surfers when searching for products in the field in which your products give an answer. For example, if you sell blue bags, a combination of words like “blue bag” or “big blue bag” in the content description for your bag can help to Print appears on Google search results to queries of this nature. It is important to avoid excessive use of keywords in the text. There they must integrate organically and pleasant to read.


Tip: to make deep research and quality to expressions are recommended to use the services of a company that deals constuirea sites to help when writing the description for each product or intelligence training for their writing.


Want to learn more about promoting organic sites? Click here.


After reaching the drafting description for your products, please always keep the average user – which probably will not swim in professional jargon and his attention is distracted by a small infinity disturbance. Therefore, it is important to write descriptions that convey qualities of the product in a clear and clear without words known only to devoted fans of the domain without phrases that your visitors are not familiar ..


Tip: Use the short line, the long tend to tire the visitors and drive them out.


Photos and videos

Psychology teaches us that watching video requires fewer cognitive resources from Internet users compared to those required to read, and therefore helps to relax and to sink deeper into the content presented. If you do not have resources to make a video for each product, it is recommended to combine a wide range of static images. Visual rich textual description of the product, are penetrating and impregnates the message alive description.


TIP: To better understand how video enriches the shopping experience, visit the ASOS product name containing videos of the models walking the runway wearing advertising and relevant model; Search View Catwalk under the main photo.


Product Reviews

Kissmetrics found that 70% of users are looking for reviews before making a purchase online. This means that, if the goods are bare of critical lost sales. Comments contain valuable information for visitors – starting with the satisfaction with the service received from your website until the attractiveness and price. Concern for the negative reviews are not justified? You can invite buyers to leave comments and be published only after you have confirmed them manually.


Tip: Criticism Pages product helps better visibility of their search engine – among other things, that they enrich naturally keyword density on the page (see paragraph 2 above), and they extend the temporary stay on the page. Concerned about the negative comments? Read this post.


Every person who manages a shop E_Comert sooner or later discovers that inevitably should be looking to turn his promotion to bring visitors. This promotion costs a lot of time and money. Bringing visitors to a website product pages do not contain complete information – as almost like throwing money in the trash. So if you have not already, it’s time to take care of product descriptions on your site. It will reward you in great style.
This post is based on an article published in the original HERE.

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