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Branding business and psychology behind color

The widespread cliché is that a picture is worth a thousand words. Color, it seems, is worth much more. Customers and people in general tend to unconsciously attribute a variety of properties culoarii and consequently and brands who are identified with them. Building a strong brand identity is based on intense coloring. Just think of the three major mobile operators in Israel, Coca-Cola and National Bank – for all these brands and their associated colors are impregnated with a variety of meanings and values ​​to consumers.

39 branding business and psychology behind color Branding business and psychology behind color 39 1

Deep load that they carry with colors is so deeply rooted in human consciousness, the associations are forwarded immediately to the brands they use. UPS, for example, has “dug flag” credibilitatea- practical approach and qualities which the consumer identifies with dark brown on vehicles and uniforms of the company. National Bank, as indicated by its name, tries to convey Israeliness and does so using blue and white colors [N T: Israeli flag colors] corporate website in its publications and on its branches.

Choosing the color that is the sign of recognition is one of the most important decisions that a brand manager and ASUN them; They are those who argue that the it was even more important than corporate logo design. Of color rises succinctly the essence or the values ​​that the brand and we want to be associated to them. This tactic is very popular, for example, for companies that want to be recognized as “environmentally friendly green edging.”

Recent studies in the US show that use of the word “green” in advertising in its various connotations another time / bias has now become extremely powerful. Therefore, the American Association of Patent and Trademark changed guidelines. To prevent exploitation of the word “green” in text, it banned its use in semnelele their trade by trademarks that belong to companies that are not environmentally safe, “environmentally friendly”. To use the color itself, but nevertheless, there are no prohibitions or restrictions; So it is that BP Global, responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 (one of the ecological disasters largest in history) uses green color in the logo and its publications in an attempt to create links in mind consumers between corporate values ​​and environment.

Research shows that nearly 85% of consumers indicate color as the primary reason to buy a product, therefore selecting the right color is critical to establish brand identity and meaning you want your business to convey.

Do not overlook the psychology of color and the relationship with psychological reaction to visual stimulus. For example, blue is known to have an influence in reducing cravings instead RED is considered exacerbates them. Yellow is considered a color that cheers but, in addition, makes babies cry. Choosing a color for your brand is of paramount importance. It is also essential to consider the color you choose as a background for your logo Make sure messages on a colorful logo reinforce each other rather than contradict each other. Consumers realize this difference, even if unconsciously, and tend to choose again and again, brands that transmit visual harmony.

This post is based on an original article published in Retail Touchpoints

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